
Oakfield Wind Project

The Oakfield, Maine wind power project achieved COD right on schedule in fall 2015 despite the unusually harsh 2015 Maine winter. At 148 mw, this project eclipses the 132 mw Kibby, Maine Wind Power project, also built by Reed & Reed, as New England’s largest wind power project.

Major project elements in Reed & Reed’s contract included expanding the Keane Road substation in Chester, constructing a 58 mile 115kv transmission line, building 48 wind turbine foundations, installing electrical collector systems, a new project substation, O&M building and of course erection of the 48 Vestas V-112 wind turbines.

The 58 mile 115kv transmission line connecting the Oakfield collector substation to the Keene Road substation expansion was energized in May 2015.

The project’s collector, collector substation, synchronous condenser and O&M building installations, with circuits being energized sequentially to facilitating turbine commissioning, were all completed on time and under budget.

Reed & Reed is proud to have completed this project safely, on time and under budget with its Maine-based workforce.

By |2016-05-10T17:42:42+00:00January 16th, 2015|

Reed & Reed / BIW Megalift

Reed & Reed provided crane services to BIW for a 900-ton mega lift at Bath Iron Works. The complex four crane lift was engineered, planned and managed by BIW for the U.S Navy under its lead ship contract for construction of the DDG-1000, a new class of surface combatants. Reed & Reed’s two M-16000 cranes with Maxer Heavy Lift attachments were paired with two BIW gantry cranes to make the lift. Reed & Reed designed and built two crane platforms to distribute the weight of its two Manitowoc M-16000 cranes. The beams and mats were installed by Reed & Reed crews on BIW’s Land Level Transfer Facility (LLTF) deck to transfer the dead and live loads to the supporting substructure. Reed & Reed then assembled its two M-16000 cranes on the platforms above the deck. Next the Maxers were erected behind the cranes and the cranes were subjected to a rigorous test lifting protocol.

Reed & Reed was ably assisted throughout the preparation and assembly phases of the project by New England Manitowoc dealer Shawmut Equipment and by Manitowoc’s engineering and field support staff. The 900-ton deckhouse was fabricated in Mississippi for the Navy and arrived by barge in November. Barge and deckhouse were moved from BIW’s drydock to the LLTF platform under the hooks of the two BIW cranes and the two Reed & Reed cranes. When the four cranes lifted the deckhouse the barge was pulled out from underneath and back into the drydock. Next the cranes lifted the deckhouse to a height of approximately 100 feet and BIW pulled the new DDG-1000 hull, weighing in excess of 12,000 tons, under the deckhouse. The four cranes then carefully lowered the 900-ton deckhouse while BIW shipfitters made sure it was sitting properly on the deck.

Reed & Reed and BIW crews worked long hours to accomplish this record breaking lift during the holiday season. Congratulations to all for their skill and dedication.

By |2015-02-25T19:28:24+00:00January 15th, 2015|

Saddleback Ridge Wind Project

Reed & Reed has completed the 34 mw Saddleback Ridge Wind Project in the western Maine town of Dixfield for Patriot Renewables. The work included erection of 12 General Electric 2.85 MW WTG’s on new 85 meter “modular” towers.  This tower design permits barrel section substitutions to adjust the overall height to better fit specific siting conditions.  The turbines also included a new improved GE design in tower wiring.  The turbines are supported on circular Barr-design rock anchor foundations.

Reed & Reed’s work on the project included the construction of foundations, WTG erection, tower wiring, an overhead and underground electrical collector system, WTG grounding in accordance with GE requirements, the construction of a new substation, and 8 miles of transmission line.

Turbine erection was spread over the 2014 and 2015 seasons with COD achieved in the fall, 2015.  Steep grades on the site and especially small turbine pads presented challenges during turbine delivery and erection but Reed & Reed crews easily rose to the occasion.

By |2016-05-10T17:45:08+00:00December 16th, 2014|

Reed & Reed helps bring new technology to the wind power sector

GE Enables More Wind on New England’s Transmission Network

  • First Wind’s Oakfield Wind Project to Generate 148 MW; Enough to Power 50K Homes
  • GE’s Synchronous Condenser Solution to Improve Power Stability
  • GE’s Energy Management Team Provides Custom Analysis and Tailored Solutions

PARIS, FRANCE – August 25, 2014 – While the integration of wind energy continues to have broad public policy support consumers are playing a larger role to ensure their electricity provider is using higher levels of renewable power to meet their clean energy expectations.  To address the growing demand, GE’s Digital Energy business today announced that its Synchronous Condenser technology will be used in First Wind’s Oakfield wind farm in northern Maine to support the public’s demand for wind energy.

“The Oakfield project is moving forward, bringing economic development to Aroostook County and will soon be delivering renewable power to New England homes.  We have worked closely with Reed & Reed, Inc., our BOP Contractor, and GE’s Energy Management team on this, and they’ve provided us custom engineering analysis and technology solutions to build a power network that conforms to the region’s unique requirements and optimizes the grid’s existing infrastructure,” said Michael Alvarez, President of First Wind. The technology that will be installed at Oakfield will better help us deliver clean energy to the region and support its renewable energy targets.”

Synchronous Condensers increase the grids strength and improve the voltage stability, allowing a wind turbine to operate in an otherwise weak grid.  GE’s synchronous condenser systems are custom designed to provide transmission operators with a proven and reliable solution. This allows utilities to deliver the promise of clean energy to their customers.

“In the US and around the globe transmission grids are being linked to support the expansion of renewable energy.  First Wind is an example of a power provider that is using state of the art technology and strategies to ensure their wind farm is delivering optimal power to their customers,” said Bob Turko, General Manager, GE Digital Energy. “To support the continued success of wind and solar power, we are providing the renewable industry with electrical solutions to ensure the grid is resilient enough to anticipate and withstand power fluctuations, and recover from damage incurred during storms and other major events.”

The Oakfield wind farm will be completed in the fourth quarter of 2015.

GE’s Digital Energy business is a global leader in transmission and distribution solutions that manage and move power from the power plant to the consumer. Its products and services increase the reliability of electrical power networks and critical equipment for utility, industrial and large commercial customers. From protecting and optimizing assets such as generators, transmission lines and motors, to delivering analytic tools to help manage the power grid, GE’s Digital Energy business delivers industry-leading technologies to solve the unique challenges of each customer. For more information, visit

By |2017-06-22T02:03:38+00:00October 28th, 2014|

Veterans Memorial Bridge

Reed & Reed, Inc. replaces one of Maine’s busiest bridges, The Veteran’s Memorial Bridge, over the Fore River between the Cities of Portland and South Portland. This bridge is a precast segmental bridge that is 1,610 ft long and supported by six piers in the river spaced at 250 feet, with shorter approach spans on each end. The pier foundations consist of concrete tremmie seals, footings, and pier shafts supported by 22 inch steel pipe pile driven to ledge. The superstructure is a pair of parrallel precast trapezoidal box sections in varying dimensions and weighing up to 70 tons a piece. The distinctive and innovative bridge design allowed for construction without the need for any full or partial closures of the existing bridge and connecting roadways, and saved the State significant cost. Reed & Reed completed this bridge project in December of 2012.

By |2014-11-19T17:09:20+00:00January 28th, 2013|