Project Description

The New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) awarded the bridge replacement project that connects Hinsdale, NH to Brattleboro, VT via Route 119 to Reed & Reed, Inc.  The current twin steel truss bridges, (Anna Hunt Marsh Bridge and Charles Dana Bridge), located just upstream from the new bridge were built during the 1920s.

The Hinsdale/Brattleboro Bridge is an 8-span, 1,800-foot bridge over the Connecticut River. Six of seven piers are in the water which involves cofferdams, excavation, pipe pile driving, concrete seal placement, etc.  The work began on the New Hampshire side where Pier 7 and the NH abutment are located. The other piers are in descending order across the river to the Vermont side where Pier 2 is the last river pier and Pier 1 is on land.  The bridge is on a new alignment just downstream from the existing bridges. New approaches on both ends of the bridge are being constructed to provide for a better flow of traffic, avoiding a very busy, multi-approach intersection in Vermont.

After construction, the new bridge will serve Route 119 traffic, and the existing bridges and parts of the road previously used for Route 119 traffic will be repurposed to host pedestrian and bicycle activity.

Location:               Hinsdale, NH
Owner:                   New Hampshire Dept. of Transportation
Completed:           November 2024

Cost:                        $61 Million
Contractor:          REED & REED, Inc.