Project Description

The Maine Department of Transportation awarded the construction contract for the Madawaska-Edmundston International Bridge Project to Reed & Reed, Inc. in March 2021.

The new bridge was designed to be constructed on a new alignment: it crosses the St. John River at an approximately 45-degree angle and is located approximately 1,400 feet upstream from the existing bridge on the U.S. side. Because of the alignment, the new 1,800 ft. structure is nearly twice the length of the existing one. The new bridge features wider travel lanes and added shoulders on both sides. There is a raised sidewalk on the downstream side of the new bridge. The new bridge was constructed using steel girders supported on concrete substructures and is designed to last 100 years.

Location:             Madawaska, Maine
Owner:                 Maine Department of Transportation
Completion:       November 2024

Cost:                      $88 Million
Contractor:        REED & REED, Inc.